3D Printed Raspberry Pi Laptop

  The 3d printed Raspberry Pi 3 and Arduino Leonardo embaded laptop – The Project Station. It has a breadboard at the back, has Element 14’s Touch Screen (Raspberry Pi’s official touch screen) and has a 10400mAh battery. As information, I designed it using @SolidWorks. I 3d printed it using @makerbot and @zaxe3d . I used @proto_pasta ‘s Carbon Fiber filament to Read more about 3D Printed Raspberry Pi Laptop[…]

Desk Organizer

I have seen my father’s desk in his office a bit untidy. I needed to gift something to my father for his birthday to solve this problem. I of course made something from my 3D printer. As information, I designed it using @SolidWorks. I 3d printed it using @makerbot. I used @proto_pasta ‘s Carbon Fiber filament to print.

CodeFest Awards 3D Printed

Turkey’s first CodeFest for high-schools was held in my school @uskudaramericanacademy . And I was the designer of the awards of the contest. Here are the prints of the third prototypes of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places, which we then chose to 3D print. As information, I designed it using @SolidWorks. I 3d printed it using @makerbot and @zaxe3d .

CodeFest Awards Prototype Renders

urkey’s first CodeFest for high-schools was held in my school @uskudaramericanacademy . And I was the designer of the awards of the contest. Here is the rendering of the 1st place’s third prototype that we didn’t choose to 3D print. As information, I designed and rendered it using @SolidWorks .

Book Opener V2

,When you read a book, you need to hold it because it automatically closes. Correction: When you read a book, you no longer need to hold it because it automatically closes. A 3D printed solutions’ first two prototypes. As information, I designed it using @SolidWorks. I 3d printed it using @makerbot and @zaxe3d . I used @proto_pasta ‘s Carbon Fiber filament to Read more about Book Opener V2[…]

Electrolysis Homework I Have Done for Chemistry Class

D printed electrolysis machine project for Chemistry Class’s extra homework. You can produce rocket fuel using this. As information, I designed it using @SolidWorks. I 3d printed it using @makerbotand @zaxe3d .

Rendering for Another Homework

I had a poster project for my English class in @uskudaramericanacademy . A poster for the vignette “Bad Born” in the book The House on Mango Street by @officialsandracisneros . I 3D designed and rendered the design to put the resulting image onto the poster.