Robot Animation Challange

An animation project I worked on with my schoolmate Ege Özgül for a competition our school wanted us to enter. At our school @uskudaramericanacademy, an IT teacher, @busrazorbaelcin told us that the robotics team of the school has forgotten the deadline for this animation and she thinks we can do. If we were to do, our performance grades Read more about Robot Animation Challange[…]

CodeFest Awards 3D Printed

Turkey’s first CodeFest for high-schools was held in my school @uskudaramericanacademy . And I was the designer of the awards of the contest. Here are the prints of the third prototypes of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places, which we then chose to 3D print. As information, I designed it using @SolidWorks. I 3d printed it using @makerbot and @zaxe3d .

CodeFest Awards Prototype Renders

urkey’s first CodeFest for high-schools was held in my school @uskudaramericanacademy . And I was the designer of the awards of the contest. Here is the rendering of the 1st place’s third prototype that we didn’t choose to 3D print. As information, I designed and rendered it using @SolidWorks .

Rendering for Another Homework

I had a poster project for my English class in @uskudaramericanacademy . A poster for the vignette “Bad Born” in the book The House on Mango Street by @officialsandracisneros . I 3D designed and rendered the design to put the resulting image onto the poster.