NinjaFlex Tire Print from MakerBot 5th Gen

  3d printed model car tire. 3d printed on MakerBot 5th gen Replicator with NinjaFlex and that’s the interesting part (because 5th gen MakerBots can’t print flexible materials (or couldn’t:)). As information, it is 3d printed with 5th gen @MakerBot Replicator, I designed it on @SolidWorks.

Turtle Aquarium Upgrade

sh aquarium adjusted to a turtle aquarium by an island like, 3d printed part. As information, I designed it with @SolidWorks , and I printed it with @MakerBot.

Flexible Pocket Sound Amplifier

Portable & flexible sound amplifier/speaker made with NinjaFlex, 3d printed with 5th gen @MakerBot (I needed to modify the smart extruder to that) As information, I designed it with @SolidWorks.  

NinjaFlex on MakerBot 5th Gen (Torture Test)

NinjaFlex with MakerBot Replicator 5th gen. I designed a part to print it and modified the smart extruder. Here are the results… As information, I designed it with @SolidWorks , and I printed it with @MakerBot.

Sanding Machine

I modified my polishing wheel design and now I can use it either as a polishing wheel or as a sanding machine. As information, I AM ONLY 14 years old. I designed it with @SolidWorks (Also I passed CSWA exam (220 out of 240)). I printed it with @MakerBot.