DesignFest Awards

Click to View the Related Post (Mario) ​Click to View the Related Post (Castle) Click to View the Related Post (Plate) Special thanks to @ilgxn for the photos.

DesignFest First Place Award

DesignFest (@designfesttr) is the game design festival (for high schools) my school @uskudaramericanacademy arranges, and its theme was retro games. People make retro-style games using Unity. I was one of the organizers of the festival. I 3D designed & printed the awards for the winners of the competition. This is the first place award and things that Read more about DesignFest First Place Award[…]

DesignFest Gram Games’ Jury Award

DesignFest (@designfesttr) is the game design festival (for high schools) my school @uskudaramericanacademy arranges, and its theme was retro games. People make retro-style games using Unity. I was one of the organizers of the festival. I 3D designed & printed the awards for the winners of the competition. It is jury’s, @gramgs ‘s, special award. Mario on its power Read more about DesignFest Gram Games’ Jury Award[…]

DesignFest Illusionist Jury Award

DesignFest ( @designfesttr) is the game design festival (for high schools) my school @uskudaramericanacademy arranges, and its theme was retro games. People make retro-style games using Unity. I was one of the organizers of the festival. I 3D designed & printed the awards for the winners of the competition. It is jury’s, @illusionististanbul ‘s, special award. Since the need for Read more about DesignFest Illusionist Jury Award[…]

Sound Amplifier Phone Dock

have been working on consumer product design in @kraftguzelsanatlar. This a thing I designed as a part of it. Phone dock + sound amplifier. Fun fact, it ended up amplifying the sound just a bit, but making the sound clearer. Does it look more like a head armor from medieval times when unpainted or a shaped Read more about Sound Amplifier Phone Dock[…]

3D Drawn Eiffel Tower is Now Finished

3Doodled Eiffel Tower. As information, I have 3Doodled this using @3doodler 1.0 and @3doodler 2.0 . #whatwillyoucreate #design #designs #pla#3dprinted #3dprinter #replicator #3ddesign#3DoodleOff #3doodler #3dpen#3dprintingpen #3doodler2 #art #eiffeltower#eiffel #3doodle #3dprinting #paris #maker#makerbot #3doodled #reprap

NOW PUBLIC: Smart Extruder Modification to Print Flex

I finally uploaded the upgrade part for MakerBot Smart Extruder to @Thingiverse. You can even print NinjaFlex with it! As information, it is 3d printed with 5th gen @MakerBot Replicator, and I designed it on @SolidWorks.

Leap Motion Case

3d printed Leap Motion case. It protect’s Leap Motion’s glass while you are carrying it. You can even put a cloth for cleaning. As information, it is 3d printed with 5th gen @MakerBot Replicator, I designed it on @SolidWorks.  

Shoelace Lock V2

New version of 3d printed shoelace lock, still in process. It is a part that doesn’t let your shoelace untie. As information, I designed it with @SolidWorks. I 3d printed it with @makerbot .

NinjaFlex Tire Print from MakerBot 5th Gen

  3d printed model car tire. 3d printed on MakerBot 5th gen Replicator with NinjaFlex and that’s the interesting part (because 5th gen MakerBots can’t print flexible materials (or couldn’t:)). As information, it is 3d printed with 5th gen @MakerBot Replicator, I designed it on @SolidWorks.