Robot Animation Challange

An animation project I worked on with my schoolmate Ege Özgül for a competition our school wanted us to enter. At our school @uskudaramericanacademy, an IT teacher, @busrazorbaelcin told us that the robotics team of the school has forgotten the deadline for this animation and she thinks we can do. If we were to do, our performance grades would be 100. Challenge accepted… We made the animation and its components in 3 busy days. I probably slept no more than 15 hours in a 96 hours duration, and had a flight and a internship interview. During the time of making, we were on the phone and Ege said, “That was the first time I am talking to someone on the phone at 5 in the morning.” I think I slept 3 hours and went to the internship interview which I am interning now.

I designed most of the objects on the scene. He only designed the robot, the fluorescent, the cables, and the papers on the desk, but he put them together and took care of all the animation. Papers are very important, they were his actual math homework! 🙂 .

I 3D designed them using @SolidWorks. Ege 3D designed and animated it using 3dsmax.

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