Fridge Door Pedal: Keee (From 3D Printing Competition 2016)

Imagine you have a heavy dish of meal in your hand which you want to put it into the refrigerator. Because the meal is heavy, you cannot hold it in one hand. You want to open the refrigerator’s door while holding the dish. Imagine yourself jumping on one leg and putting the dish on the other one and also holding the dish with one hand, you are trying to open the refrigerator door with your other hand. Or, you could have pressed this pedal to open the refrigerator door. If your arm is broken, this thing can save a lot of effort.

The special thing about this pedal is the parts of the it comes out of the 3D printer already assembled.
With this pedal, my team won first place in Darüşşafaka’s country-wide, first high school 3D printing competition of Turkey, in 2016. Its prize was a @zaxe3d 3D printer to my school @uskudaramericanacademy. My team was consisting of Kaya Alptürer, Ege Özgül, Ege Bora Oral and me; Kaya Alptürer as the idea creator, Ege Özgül as the animator, me as the 3D designer.

I 3D designed it using @DassaultSytemes@SolidWorks. Ege Özgül rendered using 3Dsmax. I 3d printed it using @makerbotand @zaxe3d printed it for us too but the one in the photo isn’t that.

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