Vertipot: Fertilizer Producing Vertical Pot


VertiPot: 3D printed vertical pot that produces fertilizers from garden waste, also has semi-automatic watering system and an app I programmed to make production of balanced fertilizers easier from 41 types of general food and garden wastes.

Notice its smiling back face, was totally intentional:)

This pot won first place in Darüşşafaka’s country-wide, second high school 3D printing competition in 2017. Its prize was a 3D printer to the school. My team was consisting of Kaya Alptürer, Ege Özgül, and me, all of us as idea creators, Ege Özgül as the animator and logo designer, me as the 3D designer and app coder.

In the competition, the topic got revealed: sustainable agriculture and environmental applications.
As the techies, we were wondering what we could do. We felt like that was the end. Since nobody would want a machine just for making fertilizer, I wanted to make multifunctional machine that can even make spaghetti or chop food waste into pieces to help making fertilizers, and Kaya wanted to make vertical garden. He told me that to make fertilizers, I could use a blender too. He was totally right and we started planning on a vertical garden. I said that this idea was somewhat cliché and we have to develop it. Ege said, let’s make an automatic watering system. I then said, maybe our vertical pot can also produce fertilizers. It took us 3 hours to find that idea to make, 3 hours to conceptualize, and 3 hours to 3D design. At the end, Ege found a way to project our logo onto the pot using @Microsoft ‘s 3D Builder.

This time we won, our school @uskudaramericanacademy had already have two 3D printers. So, we decided to donate it to a public technical high-school. We gave seminars to its students.

I 3D designed it using @SolidWorks. We 3d printed it using @makerbot@zaxe3d , Ege’s and Kaya’s repraps.

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